Why 1% Pledge?
Most people can have a huge impact with only 1% of their income.
According to renowned development economist Jeffrey Sachs, 0.7% of the annual income of OECD member countries would be sufficient to eliminate global poverty over a twenty year period. Contributing even 1% of your own annual salary can make a remarkable difference when donated to highly effective nonprofit organizations.
Most of us can live comfortably on 99% of our annual salary.
By taking the One for the World pledge and contributing 1% of your income, you are improving the lives of the world’s most under-resourced people. For thousands of people living in extreme poverty, those dollars can mean the difference between life and death. By contrast, donating this income is unlikely to make any meaningful difference at all to your quality of life.
1% creates a significant impact when given to high-impact nonprofits.
Perhaps 1% of your income means that you contribute $50 per month to One for the World partner nonprofit organizations. You may think you need to contribute more to have an impact - but in the hands of the right organization, it can achieve so much! That is why we lean on GiveWell, an independent nonprofit evaluator, to produce a data-driven, transparent, and cost-effective portfolio of nonprofit organizations that do an incredible amount of good per dollar spent.
For example, your $50 can purchase and deliver 25 anti-malaria bed nets, or even provide 600 vitamin-A supplements to vitamin-deficient children! To see how much of a difference you can make with 1%, visit our impact calculator.